SoDM Student Handbook

The ECU School of Dental Medicine

Welcome to the ECU School of Dental Medicine! The guidelines and procedures outlined in this Handbook are designed to enhance your progress and help create balance in your student life. The Office of Student Affairs at the ECU School of Dental Medicine is dedicated to supporting the success of all students throughout the DMD program. If you have any questions that are not answered by this Handbook, please feel free to come by our office and speak with us.

Welcome from the Dean

On behalf of our faculty, staff, students and residents, I would like to welcome you to the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine. This milestone in your professional journey is marked by a transition from undergraduate student to dental student, from learning with a goal of gaining acceptance to dental school to learning with a goal of gaining the knowledge, skills and experience to improve oral health by serving others — our patients and members of underserved and under resourced communities across the State of North Carolina.

East Carolina University has a distinguished history of serving the region, initially as a teachers’ college and more recently as an emerging research institution that is committed to its mission of student success, public service and regional transformation. As a university, ECU has steadfastly adhered to its motto, Servire (To Serve), and we believe our dental school embodies that spirit.

ECU is the fourth largest university in the sixteen campus University of North Carolina system. It is located in the Coastal Region of our state and has an enrollment of nearly 29,000 students, has in excess of 190,000 alumni and over 5,800 Faculty and Staff. Our School of Dental Medicine is the newest professional school on campus and along with the Brody School of Medicine, the College of Nursing and the College of Allied Health Sciences shares a common focus of primary care for the rural and underserved areas of the state.

This Student Handbook was developed with your success in mind. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Handbook and use it as a guide. It will be a tremendous resource to you now and in the future, so please take the time to read it and refer to it. If you find areas that may be missing or need to be updated, please let us know because we want this to be a reference source for you throughout your dental school career.

Again, welcome to the ECU School of Dental Medicine. We are delighted you are joining us for a remarkable four-year journey. It is our collective goal to help you succeed and enjoy your dental school experience and ultimately serve the people of North Carolina.

Best wishes for your success!
Greg Chadwick

Accreditation Standards

The predoctoral educational program at the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission on Dental Accreditation is the specialized accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit programs that provide basic preparation for licensure or certification in dentistry and the related disciplines.

It is the policy of this institution and the Commission on Dental Accreditation that all students should know how to contact the Commission to obtain a copy of the Accreditation Guidelines and/or to file a complaint. The Commission on Dental Accreditation will review complaints that relate to a program’s compliance with the accreditation standards.

The Commission is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of dental and dental-related education programs but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admission, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students.

A copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy and procedure for submission of complaints may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-2678 or by calling 1-800-621-8099 extension 4653, or at the following websites: CODA Accreditation Standards and CODA Policies and Guidelines.

Vision, Mission & Values


Lead the nation in community-based oral health education, research, patient care and service.


Develop leaders with a passion to care for the underserved and improve the health of North Carolinians and the nation by:

  •  Preparing leaders with outstanding clinical skills, an ethical bearing,
    sound judgment, and a passion to serve.
  • Providing educational opportunities for academically qualified individuals from historically underrepresented groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, and underserved areas.
  • Providing and enhancing oral health services for underserved North Carolinians through implementation of community-oriented service learning and interprofessional collaborations. Foster a learning environment where collaboration, creativity, diversity, belonging and professionalism are embraced.
  • Influence future clinical practice and dental education through research, innovation and discovery.

Core Values

  •  We do what is right legally and morally.
  •  We carry out actions with honesty and trustworthiness.
  •  We model ethical and moral behavior as lifelong habits.
  • We develop professionals through rigorous academic education, service learning and practical training.
  • We adhere to the highest standards of evidence-based dentistry and clinical judgment.
  • We provide teaching and research opportunities utilizing best practice techniques.


  • We relate to others with selfless caring in all interactions.
  • We live a life with a commitment to service.
  • We contribute to the betterment of our community and society.

Engagement and Respect

  • We treat all individuals with dignity and respect.
  • We protect the feelings, rights, traditions, values, and worth of all individuals.
  • We commit to removing barriers and providing access to quality, comprehensive health care.


  • We foster a culture of innovation and creativity that attracts and retains the best thinkers.
  • We embrace new and creative ideas that improve mission-aligned outcomes.

SoDM Technical Standards for Admission, Matriculation and Continued Enrollment

To facilitate the achievement of its mission of educating dentists who will serve the citizens of North Carolina, the School of Dental Medicine has established Technical Standards for Admission Matriculation and Continued Enrollment. This document delineates the non-academic qualifications that the faculty consider essential for successful completion of the educational objectives of the curriculum, in conjunction with the required academic and clinical achievements.

It is the responsibility of the School’s admissions committees, exercising judgment on behalf of the faculty, to select candidates who have the ability to become highly competent practitioners.

The Standard Operating Procedure (SAFF.018) is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

Student Education Records and Privacy

The University Registrar oversees the university policy regarding the privacy of student educational records. This policy can be found on the ECU website at Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Access to Student Educational Records Maintained by the School of Dental Medicine

In compliance with the FERPA, it is the policy of the School of Dental Medicine that students have the right to inspect and review their ocial educational records, files, and data kept in the SoDM.

Student inspection of records kept in the SoDM is granted only upon written request presented in person, and must be made in the presence of designated personnel of the office maintaining the record.

Students with questions may visit the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) or the U.S. Department of Education’s website for further information regarding FERPA.

Students with questions related to their academic records may contact the Director of Academic Success/SoDM Registrar.

Ross Hall: Building Access and Security

Ross Hall is open to the general public, Mondaythrough Friday, from 7:30 AM until 5:30 PM. The building is locked between the hours of 5:30 PM and 7:30 AM on weekdays and remains locked on holidays and weekends.

SoDM students may access Ross Hall when the building is closed to the public, using the ECU 1 Card, Monday through Sunday, from 6:30 AM until 1:00 AM. Students should enter through the East entrance (facing 5th Street). During these extended hours, students may only access the student lounge/locker area, learning halls, seminar rooms in non-faculty spaces on the second floor, as well as the pre-clinical technique and simulation labs on the third floor. Between the hours of 1:00 AM and 6:30 AM, Ross Hall is closed to students

Ross Hall is locked and unlocked automatically by campus operations. Advance arrangements can be made to accommodate special events and functions that may extend beyond normal hours of operation.

Students experiencing difficulties with accessing Ross Hall using their ECU 1 Card should contact the SoDM Director of Student Services.

Ross Hall: Building Safety and Evacuation

Building Safety

All students, residents, faculty and staff should wear the ECU 1 Card/ID badge in a visible place while in Ross Hall. SoDM personnel encountering individuals who are not appropriately identified as SoDM or University personnel should politely approach the individuals and ask how they may assist them. In addition to patients, a fair number of visitors to the SoDM may need some assistance in finding their way. If there is a serious concern, the Campus Police should be contacted.

Evacuation and Emergency Lock-Down Procedures

If the fire alarm sounds, all occupants of Ross Hall must exit the building as quickly as possible, closing and locking doors, where possible. All occupants will be instructed to not use the elevators in case of emergency. When Bunsen burners are in use in the Preclinical Technique Lab, all burners will be extinguished before vacating that space.

Assembly points are in front of the Allied Health Sciences Building under the archway or on the grass adjacent to the College of Nursing (across from the Ross Hall rotunda area). SoDM personnel should not congregate in the parking lots or along the roads, as emergency personnel may need to access these areas. No one may reenter the building until the All Clear sign is given by emergency personnel or someone from the ECU Facilities staff.

In the event of a fire, remember the acronym “RACE”

  1. Remove all persons in danger
  2. Always dial 9-1-1 and pull alarm
  3. Contain the fire by closing windows and door
  4. Evacuate

Announcements regarding major emergencies, including severe weather alerts, campus-wide emergencies, and personal safety announcements, will be broadcast to all SoDM phones and e-mail accounts. SoDM personnel may also register personal cell phones to receive these messages at the following site: ECU Alert.

Student Life

At the ECU School of Dental Medicine, we are committed to supporting the intellectual, physical, and emotional development of all of our students.

We understand that student success is not solely defined by grades, which is why the Office of Student Affairs has put together this chapter of the Handbook.

This chapter on Student Life serves as a guide to a variety of programs, services, facilities, and operations that are all designed to enrich the SoDM student experience.

Academic Calendars

The information in the SoDM Academic Calendar is subject to change without prior notfication. Please consult with the Office of Student Affairs and view the current SoDM academic calendars, before planning any events or travel based on this information.

Student Lockers

Student lockers are located on the second floor of Ross Hall in the student lounge. Students will receive locker assignments, provided by the Office of Clinical Affairs, during orientation. Students are responsible for any damaged property and are expected to return their locker in the same condition as when it was assigned. If you have questions related to your locker, please contact the Clinical Administrator in the Office of Clinical Affairs.

Technical Support for Students

Students experiencing technical issues with the Apple technology bundle (including MacBook, iPad and iPhone) should immediately contact their Course Coordinator. The Course Coordinator will resolve the issue or make arrangements to have the equipment serviced for the student.

If a student’s MacBook or iPad must be serviced over an extended period of time, a limited number of temporary devices are available for short-term loan, through the SoDM Office of Informatics. Detailed parameters related to this loan program may be found in the SoDM SharePoint site (SAFF.010), the SoDM’s secure document site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

Items that are supported by Pirate Techs Support Center and SODM Informatics

Supported Hardware: Student Technology Bundle equipment:
  • MacBook Pro, power cord, USB dongle, Apple dongle, and Ethernet cable
  • iPad (iOS software and SoDM apps only)
  • iPhone (iOS software and SoDM apps only)

Hardware issues are triaged by SoDM Informatics. If it is determined the issue is covered by the Apple Warranty, students will be directed to the Pirate Techs Support Center in the Health Sciences Student Center. In the event that the repair is not covered by Apple or a third party warranty (if one was purchased by the student), the equipment will be sent to Apple by SoDM Informatics and all costs associated with the repair will be at the expense of the user.

All software issues are triaged by SoDM Informatics. In some cases, you may be directed to the Pirate Techs Support Center in the Health Sciences Student Center for issues related to macOS or Microsoft products. All other SoDM specific software issues are fully supported by SoDM Informatics only.

Note: It is strongly advised that students backup their data on a regular basis (at least once a week). The SoDM is not responsible for recovering any data that is corrupt, lost, or deleted. Students needing assistance with learning how to back up their data should contact their Course Coordinator.

Student Organizations

The School of Dental Medicine houses 20+ student organizations dedicated to the field of dentistry. A listing of these organizations can be found on ECU’s student involvement platform, located at: The Pirate Experience.

Establishing a New Organization with the School of Dental Medicine

Students may form a new dental student organization provided that the following requirements are met:

  • The group must develop a constitution to be approved by the Director or Student Services
  •  The group must have at least 10 members.
  • The group must have a minimum of 4 student officers who do not overlap in positions: President, Treasurer, and two additional officers as indicated by the constitution.
  • The organization must have a faculty advisor.

To establish a new student organization, the group must register at the above website. Students can contact the Director of Student Services for help with this process.

Establishing a Private Bank Account

Organizations may open a private bank account that can be used to deposit any funds generated through fundraisers, donations, etc. Organizations will need to first obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. EINs can be requested either online at IRS website, or via phone at 1-800-829-4933, requesting as a “school organization.”

Once an EIN is obtained, organizations can go to any bank of their choosing to set up the bank account. Often a bank will require a letter from the ECU Students Activities and Organizations Office, verifying that the group is legitimate. Students may call 252-737-1808 for more information.

Organization Funding Information

Student organizations within the SoDM may seek funding from the ECU Student Government Association (SGA) or the Dental Student Government (DSG) for events and travel. In order to apply for funding, a student organization must follow the guidelines set forth by the SGA and DSG Funding Manuals. For more information, students should contact the Director of Student Services.

Student Travel Process

The School of Dental Medicine (SoDM) establishes the following guidelines for student travel.


In order to travel, SoDM students must be in good academic standing. All students must seek approval to travel on behalf of the SoDM through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. If approval is granted, students must follow the proper protocols to request absences from class, lab, or clinic (see Attendance and Participation Policy).

Ethical Conduct and Professional Behavior

While traveling on behalf of the SoDM, students must uphold the ECU School of Dental Medicine’s Standards for Ethical and Professional Behavior.


The University or SoDM may provide funding (fully or in part) for student travel. Students traveling on behalf of a registered student organization may seek funding from the university Student Government Association (SGA). After seeking funding through the SGA, students may also request funding from the Dental Student Government (DSG).

In some instances, SGA or DSG may cover (fully or in part) the cost of registration fees, airline tickets, ground transportation, lodging, and/or other miscellaneous costs for pre-approved student travel to conferences/meetings. Students are responsible for researching airline ticket and hotel options to determine the most economical option when requesting funding for airfare and/or lodging.

Limited travel funds may be available to support student travel but can only be requested after requesting and receiving funding through SGA and/or DSG. In such instances, students should contact the Director of Student Services directly.

If funding is granted, a travel request must be completed through the University’s travel office, which requires strict adherence to travel and reimbursement procedures. In some instances, payment for any of the above mentioned may be processed directly through the SoDM. In other instances, students may be responsible for direct payment and will be reimbursed by the SoDM.

Photos and Post-Trip Reflection

Students traveling on behalf of the SoDM to a professional meeting are expected to share photos and reflections of their experience at the meeting.

Requesting to Host a Student Event and Reserving Rooms in Ross Hall

Student organizations seeking to host a student event must submit a request through the Student Organization Event Request Portal.

Requests should be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the planned event and will be reviewed in the Office of Student Affairs. The student organization will receive notification regarding approval or declination of the event. Approved event requests will verify reservation of appropriate meeting spaces including learning  halls, break out rooms, conference rooms, and the Rotunda.

Student Volunteer and Community Service Activities

The East Carolina University’s motto is Servire, which means, “to serve”. The commitment to service has been one of the enduring values since the University’s founding in the early part of the 20th Century. In this tradition, the SoDM believes that community service and outreach are fundamental to fulfilling its mission. In alignment with the SoDM’s mission and core values, the school is dedicated to preparing leaders with outstanding clinical skills, and ethical bearing, sound judgment, and a passion to serve. The SoDM is committed to encouraging faculty, staff, residents and students to engage in community service and outreach activities that improve the health and oral health of the people of North Carolina.

Community Service and Outreach Committee

The Community Service and Outreach Committee was formed to help direct student service activities. The function of the committee is to:

  • Promote the value of community service and outreach in the School of Dental Medicine including the Community Service Learning Centers.
  • Serve as an advocate for community service and outreach.
  • Establish criteria and process for evaluating the effectiveness of SoDM community service and outreach activities.
  • Regularly evaluate ongoing service activities, within the context of mission alignment and availability resources; determine which activities should continue and which activities may need to be discontinued.
  • Evaluate new opportunities as presented by members of the SoDM community; determine which opportunities should be adopted as official activities of the SoDM.
  • Recommend potential service and outreach venues for student, resident, faculty and staff professional involvement to the Associate Dean of for Clinical Affairs so he/she can seek appropriate approval from the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners.
  • Serve as a liaison to collaborating professional service organizations.
  • Periodically review the charge to the Committee and make recommendations for changes to the Dean or the Dean’s Advisory Council.

The Community Service and Outreach Committee is composed of representatives from faculty, staff, each of the dental classes, a postgraduate resident, and the DSG Community Service Chair. The committee is chaired by the Associate Dean for Extramural Clinical Affairs. Meetings for this committee occur bimonthly (once every two months).

Community Service Projects

Community service projects involving clinical care of any kind must be approved through the  Community Service and Outreach Committee. Such proposals should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Extramural Clinical Affairs. Community service projects that do not involve clinical care do not require approval from the
Community Service and Outreach Committee. Students are strongly encouraged to log community service hours in the University’s designated tracking system to facilitate tracking of completed service hours by individuals, student organizations, and the school as a whole.

Standard Protocol for Delivery of Services at Volunteer Events

Community service and outreach activities are  integral to the Vision, Mission, and Values of the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine and key to building trust, developing valuable relationships, and improving the health of children and adult patient populations across the State of North Carolina. Consistent with the mission of the SoDM, faculty, staff, resident and student participation in volunteer service and outreach  activities is highly encouraged throughout the state of North Carolina, including Pitt County and surrounding counties, and the regions in which the Community Service Learning Centers reside.

The SoDM has established a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to provide a standardized protocol. The full document (EXCP.001) is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase. Students and organizations with specific questions may contact the Associate Dean for Extramural Clinical Practices or the Director of Student Services.

Health Services

All dental students have access to East Carolina University’s Student Health Services, a primary health care facility located on campus. For information on the services offered, please visit ECU Student Health Services.

Health Services has a facility on the second floor of the Health Sciences Student Center. Hours of operation can be found on the Student Health Services website.

Any time Student Health Services is closed, students still have access to medical advice. If a student wants to talk to a nurse, they may call 252-328-6841 to be transferred to a free, 24 hour nurse line. For emergencies, students should call 911.

For students at a Community Service Learning Center (CSLC), each CSLC has a list of contact information for healthcare services, including counseling services, within close proximity of the CSLC.

Office of Counseling and Student Development

The ECU SoDM is dedicated to maximizing the academic success and personal development of all dental students. In order to reach this goal, the SoDM has arranged several counseling options available to all enrolled students who are experiencing any personal, academic or career related issues at no cost to the students.

The Office of Counseling and Student Development provides a variety of services for ECU SoDM students, including:

  • Individual counseling, small groups, and workshop opportunities that address how academic deficiencies can impact one’s satisfaction with life. Exploring topics such as interpersonal communication, performance anxiety, stress management, and conflict resolution.
  • Assessment and interventions related to personal concerns and transitional adjustments, leadership development, and emotional intelligence.
  • Connects ECU SoDM students to other on-campus resources and is a referral source for students to agencies and organizations located in the community.

SoDM students are also eligible for counseling services offered through the ECU Center for Counseling and Student Development. Students may contact the Office of Student Affairs to learn more about the counseling options that are available or to help access immediate care in emergency situations.

Students at a Community Service Learning Center (CSLC) may utilize video teleconferencing for counseling services with the SoDM counselor. In addition, each of the CSLCs has contact information for counseling services within close proximity of the CSLC.

Office of Academic Success

The Office of Academic Success team consist of the Assistant Dean for Academic Success, the Director of Academic Success/SoDM Registrar, and the Learning Specialist. This office empowers students to develop skills to make their experience at ECU SoDM as successful as possible. The Office of Academic Success helps to encourage students to set higher goals and standards and assist them in reaching their full potential. The office provides a wide range of no cost academic support services including academic fundamentals, tutoring program, building relationships with various units across the Health Sciences and east ECU campuses, regularly monitoring student progress and communicating with students regarding their progress throughout their dental curriculum.

Director of Academic Success/SoDM Registrar

The Director of Academic Success/SoDM Registrar serves as the primary point of contact for current students, residents and SoDM alums. The Director/Registrar works collaboratively with the various offices with the SoDM, the CSLCs and across the university to plan and oversee comprehensive academic success and support services. Additional areas supported by the Director/Registrar include coordinating registration for INBDE testing, student externships, and assisting with data entry for ECU students and alumni applying for residency programs.

Learning Specialist

The ECU SoDM Learning Specialist works with students who are experiencing challenges in achieving expected educational outcomes in the didactic, problem-based, cased-based, preclinical and clinical realms within the DMD curriculum. The Learning Specialist supports learning and success for all students by providing enrichment workshops in effective learning skills, study habits, testing-taking strategies, assessment of learning styles and time management.

Additionally, the Learning Specialist collaborates with curriculum faculty to develop enhanced student learning strategies and provide support in the development of remediation plans for students with performance challenges.

Other areas of support include facilitating the pre-matriculation course, augmenting faculty support for students’ psychomotor skills development, preparation for the Integrated National Board Dental Examination as well as regional Clinical Board Exams.

SoDM Tutoring Program

Peer tutors are available for students who have been identified as experiencing challenges in any part of the curriculum. Students may receive tutoring after being referred for tutoring by a faculty member of the Student Progress Committee (SPC). Students may also self-refer.

The Student Tutoring Program is administered through the Office of Academic Success and coordinated by the Learning Specialist.

The emphasis of tutoring is to help the student meet curriculum benchmarks. Tutoring can include understanding of concepts, the development of skills, and/or enhancing the student’s approach to studying/practicing in lab. Students participating in the tutoring program should come prepared to each tutoring session with specific questions and with knowledge of his/her own deficits. Communication between the tutor and student is essential.

Peer tutors are selected each year at the end of the spring term. If you would like to inquire about tutoring services please contact the Learning Specialist.

Student Advocacy

The SoDM is dedicated to the welfare and success of each of its students. Students who have any concerns, questions or suggestions should contact any member of the Office of Student Affairs. Generally, the initial contact is through the Director of Student Services or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs if available. The Office of Student Affairs will work with the student(s) to find a resolution to the stated concern.

Student and Resident Affairs Committee

The Student and Resident Affairs Committee is a voluntary committee consisting of SoDM students, residents, faculty, and staff members. The Committee was established in order to promote the welfare of the student body, address any ongoing issues and develop new processes related to student life. The Committee meets monthly and is chaired by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Student members include Presidents and Vice Presidents of each class and the Dental Student Government. Students who have a topic or concern they would like to be discussed at a Student Affairs Committee meeting should contact the Class President and request that the topic be added to the agenda for the next Committee meeting.

Parking Permits and Campus Maps

Students are able to purchase a B Zone parking permit beginning in June of each year. Students can register their vehicle and purchase a parking permit through their ECU PiratePort account.

Annual permits are valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.

Any vehicle that parks on ECU campus must have a valid permit or utilize a parking meter. Since meters are open to everyone, permit holders must also keep meters activated when parked at one. All parking on campus is zoned parking. There are signs posted at the entrance to all Ross Hall associated parking lots, indicating zone restrictions and times of enforcement. The ECU Parking and Transportation website provides additional information. You can also access the following parking maps: Health Sciences Campus and Main Campus.

Enrollment Services

This section of the Handbook on Enrollment Services provides information related to registration, records and student accounts.

The Office of Student Affairs strives to make these services available to students where, when and how they needed them. Our goal is to work closely with other ECU offices to ensure that current information is provided to students in order to alleviate the need to visit numerous offices to obtain this information.


Every SoDM student is automatically registered for classes by the Office of Academic Success (SoDM Registrar) each term. If there is a hold on the student record, the student will be notified by the Director of Academic Success/SoDM Registrar. Students cannot be registered for classes until all holds are removed from their account. It is each student’s responsibility to handle any holds on their accounts.

Holds can also prevent students from receiving official transcripts, buying a parking pass, and graduating.

Students with questions related to registration and registration holds should contact the SoDM Registrar.

ECU Email and Pirate ID

SoDM students are assigned Pirate IDs and ECU email accounts prior to dental school matriculation. It is each student’s responsibility to check his/her ECU email account daily for important messages and announcements from ECU and from the SoDM.

The Pirate ID, or username, is a user’s last name, first initial (may include other initials), and year of admittance. Note this example:

Name: PeeDee D. Pirate (Admitted in 2011)
Pirate ID: Piratep11
E-mail Address:

Note: Every 90 days users are required to change their passphrase. Additional information can be found at PirateID Self Service or Information Technology and Computing Support (ITCS) homepage.

ECU 1 Card

In compliance with the ECU policy regarding Identification Cards, all faculty, staff, students and residents must display, or present upon request, a valid ECU 1 Card/identification badge while in any ECU or SoDM facilities.

Fraudulently obtaining, using, or permitting another person to use an ECU 1 Card is in violation of university policies and/or the law. Anyone found guilty of such an offense shall face disciplinary measures by the university and/or legal action.

Pirate Port

ECU Pirate Port allows ECU students, staff and faculty to access secure internal campus resources and services. These include course registration, tuition payments, staff payroll information, parking services, address information and more. Users log in using their PirateID and passphrase.

Banner Self-Service allows students, faculty, advisors and staff to access Registration, Course Offerings, Student Contacts, Financial Aid and Cashier Information.

Access to Banner Self-Service is through the Pirate Port tools page. Students experiencing difficulty accessing Banner Self Service should contact the ECU Help Desk for assistance: Information Technology and Computing Services or 252-328-9866.

Other records/processes students can access through Banner Self-Service include:

  • Degree evaluation
  • Course catalog
  • Change of mailing address
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Financial Aid status
  • Holds on records
  • End of term grades
  • Course and grade history

Financial Aid

The Senior Assistant Director for Medical Professional Programs within the Office of Student Financial Aid is the primary point of initial contact for SoDM students with questions related to financial aid.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

All students applying for financial aid must complete a FAFSA annually. The preferred date for completing the FAFSA is October for the following academic year. ECU’s Federal School Code is 002923.

Financial Aid Refund Preference

The TouchNet web portal allows students to view bills, make payments, and create a refund profile. Students have the option for refunds to be direct deposited into a designated bank account of their choice; however, if direct deposit information is not provided, a paper refund check will be mailed to the address on file. In order to set up the direct deposit refund, students should follow the following steps:

  1. Login to Pirate Port.
  2. Under the TOOLS tab, click on the “Tuition Statements, 1098-T Statements, & Payments” link.
  3. Select the eRefunds tab.
  4. Click “Set up account”.
  5. Enter information and click “Continue.” (Do not enter a debit card here; a routing and account number must be used.
  6. Review account information and the ACH agreement.
  7. Select “I agree” and click “Continue.”
  8. You should now see your refunds account listed under “Direct Deposit Bank Account.”
  9. Saved bank accounts can be reviewed, modified, and deleted by selecting “My Account” and “Payment Methods.”


The SoDM has limited scholarships available for students. As scholarship opportunities are available, the Director of Student Services will send email announcements to students.

Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits

Students requesting VA benefits and/or military credit should visit the Veteran Affairs website to learn more.

Tuition Payments

East Carolina University’s Electronic Billing (eBill) system is the official means of generating tuition bills to enrolled students. ECU does not mail paper bills to students’ permanent home addresses. Students and their authorized users receive email notifications from to their student email when a new billing statement is available for review online.

Students can gain access to the eBill system through Pirate Port at and by choosing the “Tuition Statements and Payments” link on the “Tools” tab.

Once logged in, students are able to make online payments, view and/or print billing statements, or review current account activity. Students are also able to set up other individuals as authorized users, and these users will be able to view and print billing statements and/or make online payments. Authorized users can gain access to the eBill system.

Since the delivery method of student bills is through ECU’s student email, it is each student’s responsibility to check his/her ECU email for eBilling notifications so that satisfactory payment arrangements can be made by the deadlines posted in the University’s Tuition and Fee & Payment Schedule Brochure for each semester.

It is also important to understand that the eBill statement will only reflect the charges and credits applied to a student’s account at the date the eBill was generated. If additional charges are incurred after an eBill statement has been generated, it is the student’s responsibility to monitor their financial account through the eBill system to ensure that there are sufficient financial aid/resources and/or payment to cover all charges on account. A partial payment will not secure any of a student’s class schedule.

Students may visit the ECU Cashier’s Office website for the current ECU SoDM Tuition and Fees information along with the payment schedule for tuition.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a requirement for all SoDM students. An affordable Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is offered through Student Blue from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. Students may elect to keep their current health insurance coverage if they are already covered by an individual plan or through a parents’ plan.

Visit SHIP through Blue Cross Blue Shield for more information, including how to waive out.

Transcripts & Enrollment Verification

The SoDM Registrar in unable to print unofficial or official transcripts for students. (Please see explanations and directions below). The SoDM Registrar is happy to assist students with determining whether an official or unofficial transcript is needed for specific requests.

Unofficial Transcripts

Students can review and print an unofficial transcript online through Banner Self Service (accessed through Pirate Port). Under theStudent tab, select Student Records, and then Academic Transcript. Select the Transcript Level and an unofficial transcript will be produced.

Official Transcripts

An official transcript is an exact and complete copy of a student’s academic record at the time it is issued. It contains all course work, undergraduate and/or graduate/professional, taken while enrolled at ECU. The University will not issue a partial transcript. Please note the University will automatically send both the undergraduate and the graduate transcript (if applicable) with each order. The University does not reissue or certify copies of transcripts from other institutions, these must be ordered directly from the institution the coursework was taken. Transcripts cannot be produced for anyone whose record has a hold tag by any department within the University. At the time of graduation, the SoDM Registrar will provide graduates with specific directions regarding how to order their finalized transcripts.

All requests for official ECU transcripts should be made online through ECU’s Office of the Registrar. All request for transcripts must be made online or in person. Requests cannot be taken over the phone or via e-mail.

SoDM Official Transcripts include:

  • Full Name
  • Student Identification Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Date Issued
  • Current Program
  • Attempted Hours
  • Credit Hours
  • Courses and Grades (Pass/Fail) by Semester
  • Currently Enrolled Courses

A fee of $7.00 (plus a $2.35 processing fee) per copy must be paid online at the time of the transcript request. Transcripts may be obtained in apaper copy or sent electronically in a PDF version via the service Parchment.

Transcripts may also be obtained in person (printed paper copy) for $7.00 each at the Office of the University Registrar. The address is 207 East 5th Street. In most cases, transcripts can be printed there and given to you while you wait.

Enrollment Verification

If students need information regarding enrollment verification, academic standing, class rank, GPA, etc. not found on transcripts, students should contact the Director of Academic Success/SoDMRegistrar. Students should allow three business days to process enrollment verification requests.The SoDM cannot guarantee that last minute requests will be honored.

Letters of Recommendation

SoDM students may request letters of recommendation for scholarships, special programs, research opportunities, and similar activities.

To request a letter of recommendation from the Dean or Associate Dean for Student Affairs, students should contact the Director of Student Services. For letters of recommendation from all other SoDM faculty members, students should contact the faculty member directly to inquire.


Students considering pursuing externship opportunities during holidays and breaks should contact the Director of Academic Success for guidance, prior to making contact with any programs. The Director of Academic Success will then provide you with an internal document to fill out to begin the process.

An affiliation agreement must be in place with ECU before an SoDM can complete an externshipprogram. At times this can be a lengthy process, taking several months if an existing affiliation agreement is not already in place. Students must therefore plan accordingly. For a list of current affiliation agreements with SoDM students should contact the Director of Academic Success.

Once a signed affiliation agreement is in place, the SoDM can initiate the process of getting a COI (certificate of insurance) in place for the student’s anticipated externship dates. Completion of a COI requires a minimum of three business days to process.

Once the affiliation agreement and the COI are in place, the student can continue the externship application process.

Standard Operating Procedures

The ECU School of Dental Medicine’s academic standard operating procedures provide the framework for the orderly conduct of the DMD program. The SoDM’s non-academic standard operating procedures provide the framework for the orderly conduct of non-academic matters within Ross Hall, the CSLC’s and the community at large. The policies and procedures described in this chapter have been reviewed and approved by the SoDMDean’s Executive Council and the Dean, and are intended to ensure a thorough and complete education for each of the SoDM’s graduates. The Standard Operating Procedures described in this chapter do not supersede any university policies.

Access to Standard Operating Procedures

Students are able to view standard operating procedures in the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

Attendance and Participation Policy

In the process of developing into future professionals, dental students assume professional obligations they will emulate in their careers, which include regular, consistent and punctual attendance for all academic and clinical activities. Regular attendance maximizes student learning, facilitates integration and application of knowledge and skills, and encourages critical thinking essential for future professional success. Students are, therefore expected to attend all academic and clinical activities.

The Office of Student Affairs maintains records regarding reported student absences. This is completed through a Qualtrics form found on the ECU SoDM website along with any applicable supplemental notifications as outlined below.

Students who do not meet attendance requirements may incur academic consequences, including but not limited to:

  • Receiving a grade of Not Passing (DP) in the course;
  • Being deemed ineligible for remediation or reexamination in a course or module where they otherwise might have been deemed eligible, if the attendance requirement had been met;
  • Being placed on Academic Probation in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure (ESFD.008) Student Progress;
  • Being ineligible to serve as an officer for SoDM student organizations;
  • Being ineligible to represent the SoDM atprofessional meetings.

Additionally, individual module directors may choose to adopt specific criteria related to the attendance requirement. In these instances, a written statement outlining the details of such criteria will be provided to the students at the beginning of each module.

Reporting Absences

Students must notify the Office of Student Affairs and associated members, as outlined in the following, regarding all absences, in advance of the scheduled educational activity to be missed, by completing the Qualtrics Absence Request Form and Axium forms when applicable. If prior notice is not practical, notification should occur at the earliest opportunity after the missed educational activity. If the absence occurs when an examination(s) is given, the student must contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in advance to receive approval for any missed examination(s). The Associate Dean is the only individual who can approve student absences from examinations or skills assessments. Documentation is strongly encouraged or may berequested. If approval is not granted, an automatic zero will be assigned for the exam. Personalized communication with the Testing Outcomes Specialist and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs is required.

Lecture, Bench, Simulation and Gross Anatomy Labs

Attendance during educational sessions is mandatory and is expected to be 100%. For each course, the course and module syllabi in XComP specific attendance requirements.

The Qualtrics form utilized in this process can be an aid in communication as all members above are notified through an automatic email, but it is also advised for a student to follow-up with personalized communication to the above applicable parties. Maximum thresholds for failure of a course or professionalism issues dueto attendance is governed by the module directorand course director. These guidelines are relayed to students through the course and module syllabi.

Clinical Environment – in Ross Hall and at the Community Service-Learning Centers

Attendance during clinical sessions is mandatory and is expected to be 100%. If an absence is needed, predoctoral students shall be allotted 40 hours per curriculum year; this will not roll over. Students should carefully review the 8X50 Course Syllabus in XComP related to specific absences requirements and procedures.

Extended Absences

In situations where an extended absence (more than 3 days) may be justified (e.g., significant illness, injury, pregnancy), the Course Director and/or the Director of Pre-Doctoral Clinical Education should initially review requests in conjunction with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. A modified course of action may be presented to a student. An example could be as follows; allowing additional time after the completion of the term to complete required activities. If all required elements are not completed by the end of a term, then the 8X50 grade will be reported as an In Progress (IP) orNot Pass (DP). Situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Absences which are deemed excessive or handled with poor communication are considered unprofessional behavior and will adversely impact the final grade for the 8X50 Assessment and Treatment Course. Periodic and Term evaluations will reflect these occurrences. The 8×50 manual found in the student portal in XComP provides further detail.

Guidelines for Religious Observance

The SoDM fully complies with State and University policies regarding nondiscrimination. (See ECU PRR 05.25.01.) Students whose religious observance will preclude their participation in scheduled academic and clinical activities should contact the Office of Student Affairs two weeks in advance of the date of the religious observance. The Interfaith Calendar notes days for religious observance. Students who are unable to participate in scheduled academic and clinical activities due to their religious observance will be given the opportunity to make up exams and work missed, without penalty. At their discretion, faculty may use alternative examination and assignment formats, which do not penalize the student for being absent.

Student Withdrawals or Leaves of Absence from the Academic Program

Students considering separation from the SoDM have two potential options: withdrawal and leave of absence. To initiate either of these processes,the student must first meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss the specific reasons leading to this decision, and to discussthe two options. A student may withdraw from the DMD program at any time, while leaves of absence may not be possible in some circumstances, given that the nature of the DMD program and the cumulative, progressive development of knowledge and patient care skills require continuous enrollment.

Students considering separation from the SoDM should consult with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss these options in further detail. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Student Withdrawals or Leaves of Absence from the Academic Program (SAFF.015) is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

Procedures for Addressing Student and Resident Concerns and Complaints

The School of Dental Medicine is committed to providing a supportive learning environment for its students and residents, in which their concerns are addressed in a prompt and fair manner. Many concerns can and should be addressed informally, at the level of the concern. However, there are times when a serious concern may rise to the level of a complaint, and for such instances, the SoDM has developed procedures for addressing specific complaints that are not addressed by other SoDM or ECU policies, procedures, and guidelines.

The full Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Student Concerns and Complaints (SAFF.017) is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

Apple Technology Bundle Purchase for Students

The SoDM Apple Technology Bundle includes the following:

  • Apple MacBook Pro
  • Apple iPad WiFi
  • Apple iPhone (purchased separately)

All incoming students are required to purchase an Apple Technology Bundle through the ECU Dowdy Student Stores, and to purchase an Apple iPhone.

The Apple Bundle includes a MacBook Pro and an iPad WiFi. Students can choose the standard bundle or and upgraded bundle package. All students will receive notification via ECU email explaining how and when they can purchase the technology bundle.

The Apple iPhone is required for all students. All students will receive notification via ECU email, delineating the required specifications. Students may use the Apple approved service provider of their choosing a list of approved service carriers will be included in the email notification from the ECU SoDM.

Students should not purchase any part of the Apple Technology Bundle prior to receiving an official notification from the ECU SoDM.

Purchasing the technology bundle, including the iPhone, is a condition of enrollment in the SoDM.

Any student who does not purchase the required bundle will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension of enrollment until compliance requirements are met.

Standards for Ethical and Professional Behavior for Students and Residents

The purpose of the East Carolina University (“ECU”) School of Dental Medicine’s Standards of Ethical and Professional Behavior for Students and Resident (“the SoDM Standards”) is to articulate guidelines for expected personal, academic and professional behavior of students (“Students”) in the pre-doctoral program and residents in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry programs (“Residents”).

The full document of the Standard Operating Procedure, Standards for Ethical and Professional Behavior for Students and Residents (SAFF.012), is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase.

ECU Social Media Guidelines

Professionalism and Social Networking

All students, residents, staff and faculty of the SoDM are expected to maintain high standards of moral, ethical, and professional behavior, whether they are on or off campus. This includes, but is not limited to, settings such as: meetings, social events, learning halls, laboratories, clinical care areas, Community Service Learning Centers, other ECU facilities, and when using social media. The Internet has many viable resources and has the ability to increase communication between millions of people, but it also increases the risk of damaging professional credibility and impacting the images of ECU and the SoDM.

Students should familiarize themselves with the Standard Operating Procedure, Professionalism and Social Networking (SAFF.009), located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate ID and passphrase.

ECU Social Media Guidelines

Standards for Professional Attire

The School of Dental Medicine (SoDM) establishes the following dress standards in the spirit of creating a professional atmosphere, which is dignified, conducive to patient care and meets applicable state and federal regulations.

It is the responsibility of all students, residents, faculty and staff to maintain these standards of dress, neatness of appearance and cleanliness.

The minimum standards for acceptable attire are:

  • For males: A collared shirt (a small insignia is acceptable), tucked in, khaki or similar dress slacks, belt, socks and dress shoes. Athletic shoes may only be worn with scrubs.
  • For women: A professional blouse, sweater or top and dress slacks or skirt, or dress, and dress shoes. Skirt lengths should be nomore than three inches above the knee. Athletic shoes may only be worn with scrubs.
  • For all students and residents: Official SoDM scrubs, in the approved color for each specific class, are required in the Bench Lab, Simulation Lab, and all clinical areas. Clean, conservative athletic shoes and socks may only be worn with scrubs. A scrub top, wornwith dress slacks and dress shoes and socks, is an acceptable alternative.
  • While residency program directors may make exceptions regarding resident attire, all clinical staff in CSLCs must wear scrubs.
  • A clearly displayed ECU identification badgeshould be worn at all times.

Personal grooming must include cleanliness ofhair, body, breath and fingernails. Beards and mustaches must be clean, neatly trimmed and well groomed.

In patient treatment areas, including the Simulation Lab and Bench Lab, additional standards include:

  • Disposable over-gowns (in patient treatment areas only
  • No open toed shoes
  • Minimal jewelry that does not interfere with clinical asepsis
  • Long hair pulled back and clasped/anchored in a ponytail type style
  • Name tags, displaying clinical credentials for clinical staff, faculty, residents and students
  • Name tags for administrative staff who have contact with patients

The Clinic Handbook provides additional guidelines specific to clinical areas, Bench Lab and Simulation Lab.

Unacceptable attire includes

  • Denim pants of any color, cargo pants, sweatpants, leggings, overalls
  • Flip flops
  • Non-religious or non-surgical head coverings
  • Tube tops, halter tops, midriff bearing tops, bare shoulder tops, miniskirts, immodest attire or attire that reveals undergarments
  • Sunglasses, unless medically required
  • T-shirts, sweatshirts, except for sweatshirts worn in the learning halls for student comfort

Potentially offensive tattoos must be covered. Tongue and lip pierced rings or studs are prohibited.

When questions arise regarding interpretation of these standards, final arbitration rests with the administration.

Use of Technology in Educational Programming


CODA’s Policy on Distance Education defines distance education as:

…education that uses one or more of the technologies listed below to deliver instruction to students/residents/fellows who are separated from the instructor or instructors and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students/residents/fellows and the instructor or instructors, either synchronously or asynchronously. The technologies may include:

  • the internet;
  • one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices;
  • audio conference;
  • or other media used in a course in conjunction with any of the technologies listed above.

For purposes of this definition, an instructor is an individual responsible for delivering coursecontent and who meets the qualifications for instruction established by an institution’s or program’s accrediting agency.
For purposes of this definition, substantive interaction is engaging students, residents, fellows in teaching, learning, and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion, and also includes at least two of the following:

  • Providing direct instruction;
  • Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s/ resident’s/fellow’s coursework;
  • Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or competency;
  • Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency; or
  • Other instructional activities approved by the institution’s or program’s accrediting agency.


Driven by CODA’s broad definition of distance education, the SoDM utilizes distance education for all didactic and discussion-based courses and modules, and for testing. To ensure that students and residents understand the parameters and constraints of this learning format, at the beginning of each academic year, students and residents will receive an email from the SoDM Office of Dental Education and Informatics, advising them that they are responsible for using their ECU SoDM specified laptop to connect to the SoDM’s educational platforms for each of their courses and modules, and for taking examinations. Only students and residents who are registered for the specific courses and modules will be able to access the platforms.

To meet CODA’s requirements for notification regarding student and resident verification and identity, the email to students and residents will describe the verification processes used to protect their privacy. They will be advised their ECU Pirate ID and password are used to authenticate their access to SoDM electronic platforms and University web applications. The SoDM’s Webex accounts and other electronic platforms do not divulge any student or resident information.

Industry Involvement in SoDM Education,Service and Research Activities

The full Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Industry Involvement in SoDM Education, Service and Research Activities (SAFF.005) is located on the SoDM SharePoint site, the SoDM’s secure document storage site, accessible to all members of the SoDM by logging in using their Pirate id and passphrase. Student organizations considering seeking corporate sponsorship forany student event should first consult with the Director of Student Services to ensure full adherence to this SOP.

Emails to Student and Staff/Faculty Distribution Lists

SoDM students and/or student organizations may prepare messages concerning news, deadlines, events, opportunities and other SoDM related information to all students, residents, faculty and staff.

Students must submit the message(s) they would like distributed to the Director of Student Services.

Students follow the following guidelines when submitting requests:

  1. The same message should not be sent more than once.
  2. The author of the message should check and recheck the message before sending, making sure it is complete and accurate!
  3. Students may not send personal messages or questions.
  4. Students should allow 24 hours for message to be sent.
  5. Messages should be in a readable format.
  6. Messages should use upper and lower case letters, not all CAPS. All caps signal that the sender is angry or yelling.
  7. The message must include a subject with the message.
  8. Messages that only pertain to individuals in Ross Hall should not be sent to full distribution lists, but only to individuals assigned to Ross Hall.

Solicitations and messages that are not SoDM related are prohibited. Students may also utilize other resources to promote events and activities.

Food and Beverages

Beverages in covered containers and non-messy snacks are permitted in the learning halls during regularly scheduled lectures, provided that an appropriate level of cleanliness of facilities is maintained.

Guest presentations may be conducted in the learning halls and lunch can be served with advance approval from the Office of Student Affairs, provided that an appropriate level of cleanliness of the facilities is maintained.

Failure to maintain cleanliness will result in discontinuation of this privilege.

Beverages and food of any type are NOT permitted in the preclinical lab or in clinical areas.

Posting Items in Ross Hall and Community Service Learning Centers

The SoDM seeks to keep the school community informed of upcoming events and opportunities. Recognizing that Ross Hall and the Community Service Learning Centers are both educational facilities and centers for patient care, the School has established parameters regarding posters and flyers.

All posted items – whether posted digitally on the monitors or posted as flyers in Ross Hall – must be approved by the Office of Dean or the Office of Student Affairs and must relate to University or SoDM business or associated activities.

Approved posters and flyers may be posted digitally on monitors in public areas. Flyers and posters may only be placed in non-public areas, such as the Student Lounge and designated faculty/staff areas, and may not be posted in the learning halls, break out rooms, patient care areas, elevators, in the stairwells or in public areas.

Discounted Fee Dental Care for Dental Students

Dental students gain a valuable educational benefit when they are patients of other dental students. Concurrently, some dental students have limited resources to cover the costs of needed dental care. These guidelines describe the mechanism for dental students to receive discounted treatment when they are treated by other dental students.

Dental students may receive treatment from other dental students in Ross Hall, under the following conditions:

  • Student-patients must be screened, and treatment planned according to customary patient procedures.
  • The General Practice Group Leader or SLC Director of the assigned student provider will make the determination regarding sequencing and timing of treatment.
  • Student-patients must follow the customary procedures to request approval for absences from academic activities to make appointments for treatment.
  • If the student-patient’s treatment needs are extensive and frequent appointment-related absences are anticipated, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs must be consulted regarding scheduling.
  • Student-patients will pay 25% of the predoctoral fee for most treatment procedures.
  • Student-patients will pay 50% of the predoctoral fee for laboratory-based procedures(e.g., crowns, partial dentures).
  • The SoDM will bill the students’ dental insurance for student-patients who have dental insurance coverage.

Students on CSLC rotations may provide treatment for other student-patients who are on the same CSLC rotation, on a very limited basis (e.g., emergency treatment, preventive maintenance visits) and at the discretion of the CSLC Director. Student-patients will pay 25% of the CSLC fee for most services and 50% of the CSLC fee for laboratory-based procedures. Fee discounts will not apply when the provider is a resident or a faculty member.

Updated August 2023