
Directions to Ledyard E. Ross Hall at ECU

Physical Address

School of Dental Medicine
Ledyard E. Ross Hall
1851 MacGregor Downs Road
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27834

Directions from ECU East Campus

  • Depart ECU on 5th Street heading west.
  • After passing through downtown Greenville, bear right onto Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
  • Cross intersection with Memorial Drive
  • Cross intersection with Moye Blvd.
  • Turn left onto Health Sciences Drive into the health sciences campus parking lot and make an immediate right turn in parking lot. Continue driving west through parking lot to Ledyard E. Ross Hall parking area.

Directions from Outside of Greenville

From the North or South via I-95 or US 264 East

1-95 to Wilson, to US 264 East to Greenville. US 264 East becomes Stantonsburg Road when the speed limit drops to 55 mph. At the 4th traffic light, take a left onto Arlington Blvd. The first traffic light on Arlington Blvd. is Heart Drive (also the ER exit). Immediately after 1st traffic light at Heart Drive, take the 1st right onto MacGregor Downs Road. Ledyard E. Ross Hall will be on your right – a 4-story brick building.

From the South via Hwy 11

Hwy 11 North to Greenville. Turn left onto Arlington Blvd. Cross over Stantonsburg Road. The first traffic light past Stantonsburg Rd. is Heart Drive (also the ER exit). Immediately after 1st traffic light at Heart Drive, take the 1st right onto MacGregor Downs Road. Ledyard E. Ross Hall will be on your right – a 4-story brick building.

From the North via Hwy 11

Hwy 11 South to Greenville. Turn right onto Stantonsburg Road. Turn right onto Arlington Blvd. The first traffic light on Arlington Blvd. is Heart Drive (also the ER exit). Immediately after 1st traffic light at Heart Drive, take the 1st right onto MacGregor Downs Road. Ledyard E. Ross Hall will be on your right – a 4-story brick building.