Apple Distinguished School Award Application
Welcome to the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine Multi-Touch Book download site.

Every student and faculty member in our dental school uses Apple MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iPhone as an integral part of their educational experience. It is important to understand that, while we use these tools to optimize our program, what we value most about the relationship with Apple is the “Apple ethos.” Apple stands for relentless progress, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and constant striving for perfection. The East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine tries, every day, to meet the challenge that the Apple Distinguished School represents.
We do not take the Apple Distinguished School program for granted. We think that you will see from this application that we are implementing more complex informatics projects than at any other time in the past eight years. If over the next two years we accomplish the projects discussed in this book, we will drastically improve the application processes, the instruction of students, the calibration of the faculty, and the clinical care of patients. We hope that the reviewers will feel that we continue to exemplify an Apple Distinguished School.
Thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff who are pictured doing their work. A special thank you to Peggy Novotny for her photographic help.