Smiles on Friday – March 21, 2025

Photo of 4 students standing outside of a buildingSmiles on Friday is our weekly update from around the ECU School of Dental Medicine. Follow the activities of students, faculty, staff and residents each week. If you want to receive the email version, please send a note to

Group of people standing in front of a poster.Faculty, residents and students represented the SoDM at the Association for Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research meeting and stood in front of the joint University of Florida/ECU SoDM research poster presentation.


Three people posing with certificates.Dr. Ed Connelly, associate dean for clinical affairs, recognized Kadaijah Holley and Jashayla Maye for completing the training to become a Dental Assistant I. These two are our first “graduates” from the DA Trainee Program at Ross Hall.


Two people in front of a computer.D2s Salita Greene and Joey Hampton are working on their denture preps in the prosthodontics lab while watching March Madness unfold on their laptop.



Groups of students sitting at a table.Dr. Saulo Geraldeli connects with a group of our Dis in the Rotunda to conduct a study session in preparation for their upcoming test.



Man standing in front of blue background with logo.We celebrated World Oral Health Day on March 20. Dean Chadwick had the opportunity to address the worldwide profession as part of his role as President of the FDI World Dental Federation.



Have a great weekend! Smile!
- Greg

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Please visit Smiles on Friday Archives to view older versions of the newsletter.