Prescribing Opioid Analgesics for Acute Dental Pain: Time to Change Clinical Practices in Response to Evidence and Misperceptions

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, June 2016, Vol. 37, Number 6, p. 372.

Raymond A. Dionne, DDS, PhD, ECU Brody School of Medicine and ECU School of Dental Medicine;
Sharon M. Gordon, DDS, MPH, PhD, ECU School of Dental Medicine;
Paul A. Moore, DMD, PhD, MPH, University of Pittsburgh

As the nation comes to terms with a prescription opioid epidemic, dentistry is beginning to understand its own unintentional contribution and seek ways to address. The article urges dental providers to reexamine entrenched prescribing habits and thought patterns regarding treatment of acute dental pain. It points to the evidence suggesting that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not addictive and usually more effective for managing many cases of acute dental pain. The authors provide therapeutic recommendations to help dental providers change prescribing patterns.

Raymond Dionne, DDS, PhD

Raymond Dionne, DDS, PhD