Endodontic Facts

More than 15 million root canals are performed every year.

More than 41,000 root canals are performed each day.

Endodontists perform 25 root canal treatments each week; general dentists perform fewer than 2.

45% of people have heard of a root canal specialist.

Nearly half of people surveyed would prefer root canal treatment by a specialist.

89% of patients are satisfied after root canal treatment by an endodontist.

Most people have strong, negative feelings about losing their teeth.

Up to 15% of people in the U.S. avoid seeking dental care because of misconceptions and fears.

94% of dentists have positive or very positive perceptions of endodontists and the care they provide.

General dentists refer about half of their root canal cases to an endodontist.

87% of general dentists say work performed by endodontists is worth the cost.

9 out of 10 dental educators would seek root canal treatment from an endodontist.

93% of dental educators believe that endodontists are an essential part of the dental health care team.

87% of dental educators consider endodontists a reliable and trustworthy resource in advanced dental technologies and leading-edge techniques in root canal treatment.

There are 55 advanced specialty education programs in endodontics in the U.S. and Canada.

204 students graduated from an endodontic specialty program in 2009.

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